Sunday, January 15, 2012

Homework Hounder Friday 1/13/12

Sorry I forgot about this on Friday!


Due Wednesday:

ESOL 535B -

1. Read Ch. 5
2. Glad article (really go over first page)
3. Think about topic and strategies

Due Thursday:

ED 566 -
1. Article on moodle (notes)
2. Ch. 10 from Tompkins text (notes)
3. Bring a copy of the Lightening Thief
4. Read intro of your literacy choice book (more so optional but a good idea)

5. Rough draft of description of unit (check moodle for his samples)

Want to get ahead?
Due Friday:

Math 549 -

1. Do the two problems in our journal (don't worry about writing anything with it this time... just solve).
2. Read Intro, Ch. 1, and Ch. 2 for Thinking Mathematically (take notes on each part and don't forget to watch the CD parts with it).

ED 563 -

1. PCM Ch. 3
2. Glasser problem solving assignment

ED 515 -
1. Bring your work sample reflection


Just keep swimming!




  1. we don't have to write anything for ESL?

  2. I know this is late but no we don't haha. She said that we have enough going on.
