Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Homework Hounder Wednesday 8/3/11

What's due Thursday:
ED 550 - NONE!

Want to get ahead?
What was assigned Today (due Friday):
ED 559 -
1. Ch. 19 Van de walle
2. Ch. 8 (notes), 9, 10 Fosnot
3. Watch moodle video "Michael's class" (notes)
4. Watch moodle video "Number talks" (notes)

ED 561 -
1. Blog post & response
2. Artistic reflection
3. Final portfolio & reflective narrative

Things to keep in mind if you haven't already done them...
ED 550 -
1. Work on literature circles presentation

ED 559 -
1. Math activity write-up (don't forget to post to moodle after)

ED 561 -
1. Opening Activity (response on Zalika's blog after)
Any questions, comments, and alterations are completely welcome and encouraged! The best way to learn something is to teach it :)

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