Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Homework Hounder Tuesday 8/2/11

What's due Wednesday:
ED 559 -
1. Ch. 12 Van de walle
2. Ch. 7 Fosnot (notes)

ED 561 -
1. Blog post & response
2. RECE "A Pedagogy for Ecology" & "Don't Know Much About Natural History."

Want to get ahead?
What was assigned Today (due Thursday):
ED 550 - NONE!

Things to keep in mind if you haven't already done them...
ED 550 -
1. Work on literature circles presentation

ED 559 -
1. Literature & math activity (don't forget to post to moodle after)
2. Math activity write-up (don't forget to post to moodle after)

ED 561 -
1. Workshop (response turned in the next time)
2. Opening Activity (response on Zalika's blog after)
Any questions, comments, and alterations are completely welcome and encouraged! The best way to learn something is to teach it :)

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