Monday, September 19, 2011

Homework Hounder Monday 9/19/11

Due Tuesday:
SS 578 -
1. Personal artifact
2. Schmidt ch. 1&2
3. Cowhey prologue & ch.1

ED 562 -
1. Ch. 1&2 of Empson

Want to get ahead?
Due Wednesday:
ED 565 -
1. Personal reading history paper (single spaced one page)
2. Literacy Ch. 3&4
3. Miscue Ch. 2&3
4. Journal reflection on readings

Due Monday:
ED 514 -
1. Pg. 64-76 of FFT
2. Neighborhood challenges and assets survey

Sped 524 -
1. What are the disabilities of the students in your classroom?
2. Introduce yourself to the special education teacher and see if you can observe one student working in special education.

Things to keep in mind if you haven't already done them...
ED 514 -
1. Icebreaker!

SS 578 -
1. Book talk!

Any questions, comments, and alterations are completely welcome and encouraged! The best way to learn something is to teach it :)

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